Hello. I am Cristian.

I am a cyber security professional based in Brazil with extensive experience in information security, system administration, computer vision, and image processing. Since high school, I have worked on research projects in various areas, including information security, privacy, malware analysis, software-defined networking, and artificial intelligence.

In addition to my work, I am currently pursuing a PhD degree in Computer Science. I believe that the combination of my practical experience and academic study allows me to have a broad and innovative perspective on the cyber security challenges faced by companies today.

I enjoy experimenting with new tools and technologies and, whenever possible, developing open-source projects to help the community. My main research interests include malware analysis, operating systems, and artificial intelligence.

Check more information in my bio or in my CV.


2024/08/08 - Our paper has been accepted for publication at the SBSeg 2024
Our paper "Avaliação de algoritmos de machine learning para detecção de malware IoT no dataset IoT-23" has been accepted for publication and presentation at the XXIV SBSeg, which will take place in São José dos Campos (Brazil), September 16.
2024/05/04 - Our paper has been accepted for publication at the SBRC 2024
Our paper "Detecção de malware em ambientes IoT habilitados por SDN" has been accepted for publication and presentation at the XLII SBRC, which will take place in Niterói (Brazil), May 20.
2024/04/15 - Our paper has been accepted for publication in the Internet Technology Letters journal
Our paper "A hybrid approach for malware detection in SDN-enabled IoT scenarios" has been accepted for publication in the Wiley Internet Technology Letters journal.
2023/05/22 - Our paper has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Network and Systems Management
Our paper "Securing Software-Defined Networks Through Adaptive Moving Target Defense Capabilities" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Network and Systems Management.
2022/12/26 - Our paper has been accepted for publication at the IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2023
Our paper "Adaptive Moving Target Defense Approach to Software-Defined Networking Protection" has been accepted for publication and presentation at the 36th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2023), which will be held in Miami (USA).
2022/06/02 - I was awarded with an Academic Honors Diploma for exceeding IFRN's graduation requirements
Today at the graduation ceremony I was awarded with an Academic Honors Diploma for having the best GPA in the class.
2022/05/27 - We received a distinguished paper award at the main track of SBRC 2022
Our paper "Abordagem Adaptativa para Proteção de Redes SDN Utilizando Moving Target Defense" was selected as one of the best papers of the XL SBRC and it was awarded by the Brazilian Computer Society.
2022/04/14 - Our paper has been accepted for publication at the SBRC 2022
Our paper "Abordagem Adaptativa para Proteção de Redes SDN Utilizando Moving Target Defense" has been accepted for publication and presentation at the XL SBRC, which will be held virtually.
2021/08/19 - Our paper has been accepted for publication at the SBSeg 2021
Our paper "Freki: Uma Ferramenta para Análise Automatizada de Malware" has been accepted for publication and presentation at the XXI SBSeg, which will be held virtually.
2020/10/21 - Our paper has been accepted for publication at the ENCOM 2020
Our paper "MTD para Proteção de Redes SDN" has been accepted for publication and presentation at the X Conferência Nacional em Comunicações, Redes e Segurança da Informação, which will be held virtually.
2020/07/29 - I was selected to attend the 14th LACIGF
I was selected by the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br) to attend the 14th Latin America & Caribbean Internet Governance Forum (LACIGF), in 2021. This is the result of my participation in the "Youth Brasil 2020", a program that prepares and selects young people from all over Brazil for Internet Governance events.
2019/10/26 - Our paper has been accepted for publication in the Internet Technology Letters journal
Our paper "On detecting and mitigating phishing attacks through featureless machine learning techniques" has been accepted for publication in the Wiley Internet Technology Letters journal.
2019/07/31 - Our paper has been accepted for publication at the SBSeg 2019
Our paper "PhishKiller: Uma Ferramenta para Detecção e Mitigação de Ataques de Phishing Através de Técnicas de Deep Learning" has been accepted for publication and presentation at the XIX SBSeg, which will take place in São Paulo (Brazil), September 2nd.
2018/04/30 - Our paper has been accepted for inclusion in the Future Technologies Conference
Our paper "Embedded System for Access Control Based on Facial Biometry and RFID" has been accepted for inclusion in the FTC 2018. The conference will be held in Vancouver (Canada), from 13-14 November. FTC 2018 proceedings will be published in Springer series "Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing".